I did this tattoo giveaway for Mother's day- I had the idea, since I am a new Mom and I realize how special and hard it is to be a Mom. So I wanted to give back to the Mum's out there that work so hard at being a Mother.
I posted it on Facebook and the emails started coming in from Mom's all around that told me their personal story of Motherhood, hoping to be chosen for the tattoo give away.
There was one story that stood out among all others. This woman had a story that struck me emotionally and I knew she was the one!
Her name is Dawn and this is her story: She was pregnant with a baby boy and thru the pregnancy there was complications. Dr'.s were not exactly sure what was the problem. She wore a a dove pendant necklace for hope thru the pregnancy but Dawn was not feeling well and knew something was wrong. She ended up having a emergency C-section and the baby came out. Little Tyler. He was doing well, but on the 3rd day he had a stroke and had a brain bleed. Dawn had to make that fateful decision for baby Tyler's life and has he took is last breath she held him close to her heart...As I read this story I cried! I just gave birth to my daughter 3 months ago! I felt this!
Dawn wanted the dove tattooed on her for remembrance of Tyler. I thought it made perfect sense. So I drew up the design of the dove and added the T and then did a spirally design framing it in. Interestingly enough when we were doing the tattoo she told me he was born at 3:33 am and I thought it was cool that there was three spirals I drew for the framing of the design.
It was a pleasure to do this tattoo for her and it made me feel great! Never before have I cried when a client told me their story of why they needed a memorial. In all my 15 years of doing this.
The amazing Dawn |
She wanted it right in front on her shoulder so she can see it and be forever reminded of baby Tyler.
I had such a great time with this, that I am pretty sure It will be a Mothers day ritual. I plan on doing this next year for sure!