Wowie! What a week. Or I should say, wowie, what a crazy past few weeks. It has been one tattoo after another. Drawing, tattooing, sterilizing, emails, phone calls, consultations, scrubbing the toilet. Yes, I did that today. Somebody has to do it. Anyway, I have been plugging away. It is a lot, but I live for that shit. Not the toilet bit, though. Maybe I should find someone that will trade for cleaning that for a tattoo.
The past few weeks I have been tattooing a lot, and still lately, a lot of women have been coming in for pretty elaborate work. It is incredible. Last week I started a back piece on a gal, and I think she sat for 4 hours outlining it. That is better than I can do. Fuck sitting for more than 2 hours!
I have been having a great week, enjoying doing the tattoos, and sharing stories with the people that I tattoo. It has been kinda intense. I have heard stories of affairs, anxiety dreams, job losses, Alcoholism... And I can relate. I also am an open book, I say. I chalk it up to- this is normal life stuff. Or typical life stuff. Sharing these stories can only help one another. Can't pretend it's not really happening.
I really do enjoy this closeness, bonding with another human. I think it is better, than to not. That is my outlook on life in general. But I understand that while doing a tattoo on someone, there is a special connection happening. Holy shit! I am so lucky! I can't believe I get to do this everyday. But yes, it is hard. It takes a lot of energy for me. To hold that energy of taking care of someone, for being so responsible of the outcome of their piece and experience while under the needle. I take this seriously, I really do. The clients deserve the best, and if I do not deliver, I will beat myself up for days.
I am trying to stay on track here, and have a focused article here, but I have had a long day, I have not eaten much at all, and to finalize my day I am drinking a stout, and a lot has happened in the past few weeks. It can be a challenge to wrap it up in a nice little package here. Ya, I should be drinking water, since I have been dehydrated and have had a headache for days too. Ha! Whatever. The pain we cause ourselves, or put ourselves through. But, I would like to say that I would not want it any other way. Blessed be. Good nite and I love you!